The SP Launches a Frontal Attack Against the Bourgeoisie in the Election Campaign

Published: Saturday, Aug 26th 2023, 16:00

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (SP) launched its election campaign on Saturday in Biel BE with a frontal attack on the bourgeois majority in Parliament. Co-President Mattea Meyer said that the right-wing majority in the Federal House regularly decides against the people, not only against those affected by poverty, but against everyone who lives on wages and pensions. She said that the social Switzerland must win in order to strengthen purchasing power and equality and to advance climate protection. SP Justice Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider rejected the SVP's accusations of an "asylum chaos". She said that Switzerland is dealing with the challenges of refugees calmly, sensibly and constructively. Federal President Alain Berset reminded the delegates of the SP that the upcoming elections are also a great opportunity to talk to the people, to listen to them, to find out what they are angry about and to show them that something can be changed. He said that the SP must awaken optimism and hope, because the situation is difficult, not with stolen songs but with honest political work. The delegates unanimously decided to support the referendum against the proposed deterioration of tenant protection and to launch a new initiative for a public health insurance nine years after the rejection of their initiative. They also unanimously supported the inclusion initiative launched by disability organizations.nnnnnnnnnnnn


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