SBB Cargo Responsible for Gotthard Accident

Published: Sunday, Aug 27th 2023, 08:00

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

SBB Cargo is liable for the accident in the Gotthard Base Tunnel as the freight carrier. This is according to the law, said Peter Füglistaler, director of the Federal Office of Transport, to the "Sonntagsblick". SBB Cargo is responsible for the safe operation of the freight and must take the necessary precautions. This would also be the case if it turns out that the derailed wagon after the wheel breakage came from Germany. The accusation that the BAV as the supervisory authority is too lax in its control is rejected by Füglistaler. The companies find that they are even over-controlled. As it looks now, a very rare accident has occurred that cannot be prevented: a wheel breakage. This has not happened in Switzerland for ten years. In summary, SBB Cargo is liable for the accident in the Gotthard Base Tunnel as the freight carrier and must take the necessary precautions to ensure the safe operation of the freight. The BAV is not too lax in its control and the accident is a very rare one that cannot be prevented.nnnnnnnnnnnn


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