Renovation of the 43-year-old Gotthard Tunnel to be completed in six years.

Published: Monday, Sep 11th 2023, 10:40

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The Gotthard Tunnel, opened in 1980, is in need of renovation and will be completely renovated in six years. During the construction, traffic will be diverted to the parallel second tunnel, which is currently being built. The 43-year-old, 17-kilometer long Gotthardstrassentunnel between Airolo TI and Göschenen UR was approved for construction of the second tunnel and subsequent renovation of the existing tunnel in 2016. The preparatory work for this 2.14 billion Swiss franc project began in the spring of 2020 and the tunnel boring machines are scheduled to be started in 2024, with completion planned for 2026. From 2032, both tunnels will be operational, with only one lane open in each direction. The construction of the first tunnel began on May 5, 1970 and took three years longer than planned, costing more than double the estimated 306 million Swiss francs. In October 2001, a fire broke out in the tunnel after a collision between two trucks, resulting in the deaths of eleven people and damages of 14 million Swiss francs. After the fire, the tunnel infrastructure was optimized to increase safety.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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