Lausanne Bishop Morerod Admitted to Hospital in Emergency

Published: Thursday, Sep 14th 2023, 15:40

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

Bishop Charles Morerod was admitted to hospital on Wednesday for emergency surgery. He had previously offered to resign if he had made any major mistakes. The operation was successful and the diocese wished him a speedy recovery. It was due to the consequences of a head injury sustained in a cycling accident a few months ago. This came after he had commented on a pilot study by the University of Zurich on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. In an interview with the Neuchâtel newspaper Arcinfo, Morerod said he was ready to resign if he had made any major mistakes in the abuse cases. An investigation is underway and he is awaiting the results with patience. The investigation is being conducted by Bishop Joseph Bonnemain of Chur, following a letter from whistleblower Nicolas Betticher to the papal nuncio in Bern. The abbot of Saint-Maurice, Jean César Scarcella, who was accused of abuse, temporarily stepped down on Wednesday. Morerod expressed shock at the findings of the University of Zurich study, which documented 1002 cases of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in Switzerland since the mid-20th century. He said he had found documents in places where they should not have been and that he had recently taken measures to monitor and restrict the most problematic cases.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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