Jean-Daniel Ruch will coordinate Swiss security policy.

Published: Friday, Sep 15th 2023, 13:01

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

Jean-Daniel Ruch has been appointed as the new Swiss State Secretary for Security Policy (Sepos) from 1 January 2024. He will be responsible for coordinating the Swiss security policy in the Defence Department of Viola Amherd. Ruch is currently the Swiss Ambassador to Turkey and a former advisor to UN Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte. Ruch has a long diplomatic career both domestically and internationally. He has served as Special Envoy for the Middle East in the Foreign Ministry and Chief of the Peace Policy Section. He is a "profound expert in the security policy system" and has extensive experience in operational and strategic leadership. The new Sepos will be a civilian agency under the direct supervision of the Defence Minister. It will be responsible for developing and coordinating a comprehensive security policy and strengthening security in Switzerland. It will analyse the national and international security situation in collaboration with the Federal Intelligence Service, the Federal Office of Police and the relevant departments of the Foreign Ministry. It will also be responsible for the national strategy for the protection of critical infrastructure, the business offices of the Federal Council's Security Committee and the Core Security Group, as well as the Security Union Switzerland. In addition, the new agency will be responsible for personnel security checks.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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