Councils Continue to Dispute Uses Outside of Building Zones

Published: Monday, Sep 25th 2023, 16:52

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The Swiss National Council and Council of States are still at odds over the revision of the Space Planning Act. The Council of States wants to allow non-location-bound uses outside of building zones throughout the country, while the National Council wants to limit this to mountain areas. The National Council has agreed to allow the conversion of unused agricultural buildings into residential buildings under certain conditions. The main part of the revision is a stabilization goal, which requires the cantons to maintain the number of buildings and the extent of sealing outside of the building zone in their regional plans. The councils also want to encourage the removal of unused buildings from the landscape with incentives, such as demolition premiums.


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