“Large Gains for SVP and Large Losses for Greens According to Polls”
Published: Wednesday, Oct 11th 2023, 16:21
تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14
العودة إلى البث المباشر
The latest SRG-Wahlbarometer predicts that the winners of the 2019 elections will lose and the losers will win in the upcoming national elections on October 22nd. The Green Party could drop below the 10% threshold and the SVP could increase their voter share to over 28%. This would be the first time in the current legislative period that the Wahlbarometer has predicted a Green voter share of less than 10%. The Greens would lose 3.5 percentage points and only have a voter share of 9.7%. The SVP is predicted to gain significantly, with a voter share of 28.1%. The SP is also predicted to gain, increasing to 18.3% at the expense of the Greens. The Mitte and FDP are in a close race for third place, with the Mitte at 14.3% and the FDP at 14.1%. The margin of error is plus/minus 1.2 percentage points.