Number of people entering Switzerland illegally on the rise

Number of people entering Switzerland illegally on the rise

الثلاثاء, أكتوبر 17th 2023

The number of refugees and migrants entering Switzerland illegally is increasing. The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (BAZG) reported 7120 illegal stays for September.

Swiss Border
Swiss Border

This was more than in August and also slightly more than in September a year ago.

In August 2023, just under 5800 illegal stays had been registered and in September 2022 around 6700. As the BAZG wrote on Tuesday about the figures, many illegal entrants were citizens of Afghanistan. Many were apprehended in Ticino. However, the number of apprehensions was less than in October 2022, when about 8000 illegal stays were registered.

According to the BAZG, the fact that more illegal entries are counted in Ticino is mainly due to a shift in migration routes within the Balkans. Until October 2022, the route from Serbia via Hungary and Austria was the most important route towards Europe.

After that, that changed. Refugees and migrants currently mainly choose the route from Serbia via Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia to Italy and further north.

The FOCA wants to strengthen border protection in Ticino. At the end of September, it confirmed a report in the “SonntagsZeitung” that additional personnel from German-speaking Switzerland would be transferred to southern Switzerland.


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