Swiss National Elections – Reactions from main political parties

Swiss National Elections – Reactions from main political parties

الثلاثاء, أكتوبر 24th 2023

نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة

‘The SVP achieved its election target of 100,000 additional voters in the National Council elections and, according to projections, won around 29% of the voters.

The electoral mandate is clear: the Swiss have had enough of the harmful left-green asylum and immigration policy.

Swiss Peoples party

‘The SVP achieved its election target of 100,000 additional voters in the National Council elections and, according to projections, won around 29% of the voters.’

Marco Chiesa – SVP President (Keystone)

‘With today’s election result, the electoral mandate for the SVP for the upcoming legislature is clear: We will continue to fight against this left-green policy, which is harmful to Switzerland and the population’

Full press release


‘The FDP stabilizes the liberal pole in the National and Council of States’

A strong Switzerland needs more freedom.

Free democratic party/the liberals

‘Today’s elections have made it clear that Switzerland wants bourgeois politics.’

Thierry Burkart – FDP President (Keystone)

‘The FDP has presented liberal solutions to the pressing problems in our country. Unfortunately, the large stake was not reflected in the proportion of voters.’

‘Time is of particular importance in terms of energy supply. Today’s losses of the Greens and the GLP show that majority-capable solutions are needed in the energy and environmental sectors and that green illusions need to be revised.’

Full press release

Die Mitte (The Center)

‘The middle is very happy about this election victory! It shows that many people in Switzerland support a strong political force in the bourgeois center that assumes social responsibility.’

Switzerland wants more Centrism.

die mitte

‘In the National Council, the center clearly remains the strongest force of the political center.’

Gerhard Pfister – Die Mitte President (Keystone)

‘Switzerland needs solutions: The unchecked rise in health insurance premiums is the main concern of the Swiss population and was the central campaign issue.’

‘The population will have the opportunity to vote on this (cost brake) initiative in 2024.’

Full press release


‘Today’s slide to the Right in the federal elections is of great concern to SP Switzerland.’

Worrying slide to the Right – SP strengthened for a social Switzerland.

Social democratic party

‘A stronger SVP continues to put purchasing power under pressure and endangers climate protection and progress in equality.’

Mattea Meyer & Cédric Wermuth – SP Co-Presidents (Keystone)

‘SP Switzerland sees itself strengthened in its struggle for a social Switzerland’

‘In 2024, further important referendums will be decided: The SP will combat the erosion of tenancy law as well as the multi-billion dollar expansion of the motorways at the expense of climate protection.’

Full press release

GRÜNE (Greens)

‘(We) remain the strong voice for climate and equality in parliament. After today’s massive slide to the Right, this is needed more than ever.’

GREENS remain a strong voice for the climate – despite a massive slide to the Right.


‘the right-wing lurch is bad news for the climate and equality’

Balthasar Glättli – Greens President (Keystone)

‘We GRÜNE will not watch the right hand jeopardize the future of our planet’

‘If we want to limit the earth’s heating to 1.5 degrees, the Federal Council and Parliament must adopt effective measures in the next legislature. That is exactly what we GREEN consistently advocate’

Full press release

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