Scholz: “Traffic light” coalition has set the pace

Published: Wednesday, Jan 31st 2024, 13:30

العودة إلى البث المباشر

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has defended the course of his "traffic light" coalition. The SPD politician said on Wednesday during the general debate in the Bundestag that the coalition had set the pace for two years where speed was necessary. It was in the process of working through everything that had been left undone in Germany.

Scholz criticized the Christian Democrats. Referring to the previous CDU-led governments, the Chancellor said that there had been no expansion of the electricity grids in Germany, no progress had been made in the expansion of renewable energies and there had been no investment in the steel industry, the semiconductor industry or battery factories in Germany.

All of these things are happening now. The CDU/CSU is showing no perspective for Germany, no industrial perspective and no perspective for jobs.

The "traffic light" coalition of SPD, FDP and Greens has been in office since December 2021. During the previous 16-year chancellorship of Angela Merkel (CDU), the SPD was a coalition partner for most of the time and Scholz was most recently Finance Minister and Vice Chancellor.


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