Swiss Demographic Changes and It’s Impact on Investment

Swiss Demographic Changes and It’s Impact on Investment

الثلاثاء، فبراير 27 فبراير 2024

Sectors like healthcare, finance, and automation stand to gain, and why emerging markets are becoming increasingly attractive.

Keystone/SDA - كريستيان بيوتلر

In most industrialised countries, the population is getting older and older. According to a study, this trend opens up new investment opportunities – provided you invest in the right sectors and countries.

Three sectors in particular are benefiting from rising life expectancy: health, finance and automation. This is the conclusion of a study published by Raiffeisen Switzerland on Tuesday.

Older people are buying more medication and going to the doctor more often. The winners on the stock market are pharmaceutical, medical and biotech companies.

“The sales growth of companies in the healthcare sector is more than twice as high as the growth of the economy as a whole

Matthias Geissbühler from Raiffeisen Switzerland.

But the financial sector itself is also booming, according to Geissbühler. The older generation is often wealthy and has its money managed by banks. The financial institutions benefit from this.

Finally, the impending retirement of baby boomers will also exacerbate the shortage of skilled workers. This trend is also likely to continue.

Capital flows into emerging markets

Geographical changes also became apparent: Following the previous focus on industrialised countries, emerging markets increasingly became the focus of investors.

This is because many countries in Africa and Asia have a young and growing population that could boost the economy. This could also allow more capital to flow there.


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