Cyclist dies after collision with streetcar in Zurich

Published: Saturday, Mar 9th 2024, 12:20

Updated At: Saturday, Mar 9th 2024, 12:20

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A 27-year-old cyclist died of his serious injuries in a hospital in Zurich following a collision with a streetcar on Saturday morning. It is already the third fatal streetcar accident in Zurich this week.

The young cyclist collided with a Flexity streetcar on line 4 in Zurich's Kreis 5 district on Friday evening. He was thrown to the ground and fatally injured.

Just three quarters of an hour later, a pedestrian fell under a streetcar on line 7 from Central towards Bahnhofplatz at the main station for reasons that are still unclear. The streetcar had to be lifted in order to rescue the casualty. His injuries were so severe that he died at the scene of the accident.

On Monday evening, a pedestrian was seriously injured in a streetcar accident in Zurich's District 11. The 56-year-old was taken to hospital in a critical condition. She died there early on Tuesday morning.

Several streetcar accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists within a week is an extreme figure in Zurich. "In the 20 years I've been working for the city police, I can't remember such a tragic accumulation," explained Marc Surber, media spokesman for the city police, when asked by the Keystone-SDA news agency. The police are not yet able to say any more about the accumulation. The investigations are ongoing.


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