National Council wants new titles in higher vocational education and training

Published: Tuesday, Mar 12th 2024, 13:30

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The National Council wants more recognition for higher vocational education and training. It is calling for the introduction of the titles "Professional Bachelor" and "Professional Master".

On Tuesday, the Grand Chamber adopted five identical motions from the Greens, the GLP, the Center Party, the FDP and the SVP by 154 votes to 33 with 3 abstentions. The motions will now go to the Council of States.

The proposals concern graduates of higher technical colleges and holders of federal certificates. Christine Buillard-Marbach (center/FR) said that today, due to "complicated and unknown" titles, they are at a disadvantage when looking for a job abroad and increasingly also at home, because companies are asking for Bachelor's or Master's degrees.

Mike Egger (SVP/SG) pointed out that other countries had already introduced corresponding titles. It was an old demand, said Fabien Fivaz (Greens/NE).

Economics Minister Guy Parmelin emphasized that corresponding efforts are already underway. The results of this work should therefore be awaited. However, he was unable to get his way in the Council.


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