A third of the population is in favor of preventive wolf culls

Published: Friday, Mar 15th 2024, 07:20

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A third of the population supports preventive wolf culls. In contrast, 46 percent reject them. Approval also increases with age. Almost half of 60 to 79-year-olds are in favor of shooting wolves before the animals cause damage.

Among 18 to 29-year-olds, on the other hand, the figure is only 20 percent, as the opinion research institute Yougov (formerly Link) announced on Friday in a survey it described as representative. Those in favor of shooting wolves argue that they have no natural enemies and that packs need to be regulated by humans.

The opponents of shooting wolves justify their position with the argument that shooting wolves would not be necessary if livestock were better protected. 31 percent stated that it would be pointless to introduce wolves and then shoot them as a preventative measure. 26 percent say that wolves are important for biodiversity.

The preventive shooting of wolves is a matter of concern for the population, as the survey also showed. A third stated that they had heard, seen or read something on the subject two to three times in the last three months. A further 34 percent were aware of the issue on a weekly to daily basis.

The immigration of wolves is considered important by 32 percent of respondents. The resettlement of the ibex was rated as more important by 76%. The reintroduction of bearded vultures was in midfield with 56%. The introduction of lynx and beavers were both considered important by 47%.

Yougov surveyed 1260 people aged 18 and over in Switzerland between 23 and 26 February in a standardized online survey.


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