Nagra founds subsidiaries for deep geological repository project in Stadel ZH

Published: Wednesday, Apr 3rd 2024, 10:00

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Nagra is establishing two new subsidiaries for the construction and operation of the nuclear repository and packaging facilities in the Zürcher Unterland. This was decided by the members of the Cooperative at an extraordinary general meeting, as announced by Nagra on Wednesday.

Nagra gTL AG will be responsible for the construction and operation of the repository, while Nagra BEVA AG will be responsible for the construction and operation of the packaging facilities. Nagra is thus following the organizational model of Alp-Transit. This has proven its worth in the construction of the new transalpine rail link (NRLA).

Both companies are wholly owned subsidiaries of the National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra). "We want to decouple the management and implementation of the deep geological repository from each other in organizational terms," said Matthias Braun, CEO of Nagra, in a press release. Nothing will change for the project partners. "The deep geological repository for radioactive waste remains a Nagra project."

The company formations should be completed by mid-2024, the statement continued. The subsidiaries are expected to submit the general license applications for the deep geological repository and the packaging facilities in the autumn. The companies will only become operational in the course of the next few years, Nagra added.


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