الأثنين، 29 أبريل 2024
توحدت الكانتونات والمدن والبلديات السويسرية في دعم قانون الكهرباء، مع التأكيد على دوره الحاسم في ضمان مستقبل آمن ومستدام للطاقة.
Cantons, cities and municipalities say yes to the Electricity Act. The bill, which will be voted on throughout Switzerland on June 9, is an important and indispensable step towards a secure and climate-neutral Swiss energy supply.
According to the communiqué, rejecting the bill would set Swiss energy policy back years. It would also jeopardise security of supply and increase dependence on foreign countries. The Electricity Act creates the necessary framework conditions so that domestic renewable electricity production can be increased, particularly in the winter months.
The expansion should be prioritised on buildings and infrastructures where the greatest expansion potential exists, the report continued. The Electricity Act creates the necessary incentives for this. In addition, hydropower plants, wind and solar plants on open spaces are also needed. This expansion should be as gentle and restrained as possible.