Race for Second Place Could Decide the Federal Council Election

Published: Friday, Jul 14th 2023, 08:40

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The race for the second strongest party in Switzerland is heating up, with the FDP and SP neck and neck in the polls. The outcome of the election could be crucial for the composition of the Federal Council, as the SP is currently the second strongest party. The FDP and SP are both polling around 16%, and the FDP is hoping to overtake the SP in order to gain two of the seven seats in the Federal Council. However, the SP is hoping to defend its presence in the government by using its argument that it is not overrepresented. The number of seats in the Federal Assembly is also important, as the FDP currently holds 41 seats in both chambers, while the SP holds 45. If the FDP overtakes the SP in terms of seats, it could be seen as an argument to reduce the SP's presence in the government. The Mitte-Partei, formed from the CVP and BDP, is also polling around 13-14%, and if it overtakes the FDP, it could increase the pressure on the FDP's double representation in the Federal Council.


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