الأعمال التجارية والمالية

Holcim Switzerland Expands through Cand-Landi Acquisition
Holcim Switzerland acquires Cand-Landi, enhancing its portfolio in building materials and recycling.
ABB’s Expansion in the US Robotics Sector
ABB has a $20M investment in robotics, boosting sectors from construction to electric vehicles.
Swiss exports
Swiss Exports Stagnate in February This Year
Swiss exports barely move, while imports gain ground. Chemical-pharmaceutical sector shines amidst overall downturn in export sectors.
Competec Group Appoints Stefan Fraude as New CEO
Competec Group, encompassing Brack and Alltron, welcomes Stefan Fraude as CEO. Keystone/CHRISTIAN BEUTLER The Competec Group, which includes the online store Brack and the wholesaler Alltron, has found a new CEO.
Cryptocurrencies in Switzerland
Cryptocurrencies in Switzerland: A Double-Edged Sword
Switzerland's embrace of virtual assets blurs traditional financial boundaries but raises significant risks, drawing attention from both innovators and illicit actors.
SNB’s Regulatory Probe into the CS Crisis: Change is Needed
The Credit Suisse crisis exposes critical areas needing reform in Switzerland's banking regulations, according to the SNB's insights.
ارتفاع إيجارات الشقق السكنية في سويسرا: تحليل إقليمي
شهد شهر فبراير تقلبات متباينة في الإيجارات في جميع أنحاء سويسرا، مع ارتفاعات كبيرة في الكانتونات المركزية وتغيرات متنوعة في المدن الكبرى.
SNB’s Forex Interventions Surge in 2023, Tapering in Q4
The Swiss National Bank (SNB) stepped up its forex interventions in 2023, selling CHF 132.
Partners Group’s Steady Performance Amid Currency Challenges
Partners Group reports 8% AuM growth with stable CHF 1 billion profit, navigating through currency fluctuations.
SNB Most Likely Won’t Touch Key Interest Rates
According to experts, amidst inflation the Swiss National Bank will hold key interest rate at 1.
Half of Swiss Exports Go To the EU
Trade between the two has reached a staggering CHF 300 billion, highlighting a relationship of mutual dependency.
ارتفاع الإنفاق الاستهلاكي في سويسرا، مع تصدر قطاعي الترفيه والسفر قائمة القطاعات التي تشهد ارتفاعًا في الإنفاق الاستهلاكي
بعد بداية ضعيفة لهذا العام، تشهد سويسرا انتعاشًا في الإنفاق الاستهلاكي، لا سيما في قطاعي الترفيه والسفر، مما يشير إلى نبض اقتصادي قوي.
Hannover Re Announces Record Profits and Increased Shareholder Payouts
Hannover Re, the global reinsurance giant, sets a new earnings benchmark, boosting shareholder rewards after a phenomenally profitable year.
Logitech Seeks New CFO as Chuck Boynton Steps Down
Logitech faces another executive change as CFO Charles 'Chuck' Boynton exits for new opportunities, leaving the tech firm in search of his successor amidst stable financial forecasts.
Signa Companies Being Liquidated by Creditors
Austrian investor René Benko's prestigious real estate portfolios are on the brink as creditors deliberate the future amid insolvency chaos.
Financial Transaction Tax Favored for AHV Pension Funding
A majority of Swiss citizens support a financial transaction tax to fund the newly approved 13th AHV pension.
صناعة الفولاذ السويسرية تكافح من أجل إيجاد حلول
وزير الاقتصاد غي بارميلان يستعرض الجهود الجارية لمساعدة قطاع الصلب السويسري.
مجموعة Groupe Mutuel قد تغادر سانتيسويس
يناقش الرئيس التنفيذي لمجموعة Groupe Mutuel توماس بوير إمكانية مغادرة Santésuisse، ويدعو إلى الوحدة في الجمعيات الصحية لصالح دافعي الأقساط.

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