الأعمال التجارية والمالية

ساندوز تتوقع النمو وزيادة الهوامش في عام 2024
تحتفل شركة Sandoz، التي أصبحت الآن كيانًا مستقلاً، بعام من النمو، وتضع نصب أعينها زيادة المبيعات والهوامش لعام 2024.
Stadler Rail
Stadler Rail Makes More Profit: Markets Unconvinced
Stadler Rail bounces back from the previous year's slump, marking a record net profit since its IPO.
Galderma IPO: Swiss Pharmaceutical Firm
Galderma gears up for its Swiss stock exchange debut with a promising IPO, aiming to raise nearly 2 billion Swiss francs through new shares.
Swiss Stock Exchange
Swiss Stock Exchange Loses CHF 1 Billion Last Year
In a startling turn, the Swiss Stock Exchange operator SIX grapples with a massive billion-euro loss, attributed to significant write-downs in investments.
Open on Sunday
مفتوح يوم الأحد؟ مشروع القانون الجديد قد يفعل ذلك بالضبط
يُعرض الاقتراح، الذي يدعو إلى تعديل قانون العمل، على مجلس الولايات.
On: The Swiss Running Shoe Taking Center Court
On Running showcases impressive 2023 performance with soaring profits and ambitious plans to double revenue by 2026.
Novartis Acquisition
نوفارتيس تستحوذ على مورفوسيس: موافقة الحكومة الألمانية الآن
Novartis' plans to takeover of Morphosys receives green light from German regulators, promising advancements in leukemia and more.
Revision of the Patents Act
Revision to the Patents Act: Final Vote Coming
Switzerland's Council of States finalises patent law modernisation, focusing on non-suspensive appeals and thorough examination of patent novelty.
Migros Boss Zumbrunnen
Ex-Migros Boss Zumbrunnen Becomes New Head of Aevis Victoria
Former Migros Boss, Zumbrunnen, takes the helm at Aevis Victoria. His track record in healthcare expansion sets the stage.
زخم التوظيف في سويسرا يحافظ على قوته
ما يقرب من نصف الشركات السويسرية تتوقع توسعًا في القوى العاملة في الربع الثاني من عام 2024، مما يدل على المرونة والنمو.
SNB New Head of Communications: Claudia Aebersold
The Swiss National Bank announces Claudia Aebersold as the new Head of Communications, succeeding Susanne Mühlemann, to steer its communication strategy forward.
SBB Posts Profit
SBB يحقق أرباحًا: لأول مرة منذ 3 سنوات - هل هناك مشاكل في المستقبل؟
Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) records a CHF 267 million profit in 2023, a positive shift after years of losses, yet faces the uphill task of addressing its CHF 11.
Best Airport in Europe
أفضل مطار في أوروبا: زيورخ تفوز - ست سنوات على التوالي
Zurich Airport clinches the prestigious ASQ Award and the World Travel Awards title, reinforcing its status as Europe's leading airport in the 25 to 40 million passenger category.
Swiss Pension Funds
Swiss Pension Funds Achieve Positive Returns in February
Swiss pension funds report a robust start to 2024, with an average return of 1.32% in January, showcasing the resilience and dynamic nature of the market.
Swiss Consumer Sentiment
معنويات المستهلكين السويسريين: لا تزال منخفضة
تستمر ثقة المستهلكين السويسريين في مسارها الهبوطي، حيث يعكس مؤشر Seco لثقة المستهلكين استمرار المخاوف الاقتصادية بين السكان.
UBS CEO Ermotti: Replacement Search Underway
As Sergio Ermotti's tenure as UBS CEO is seen as transitional, speculation mounts over his successor, with internal candidates leading the prospects.
Sunday, March 10 – Weekly Roundup
Amid rising health insurance premiums, Swiss families find over 10% of their income consumed, and the intelligence service faces operational ambiguities.
UBS Selling Shares
UBS Top Manager Sells UBS Shares Worth 4.76 Million
A significant move in the financial world as a UBS top executive capitalises on the surging share prices, setting a record sale not seen since May 2022.

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the swiss times
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