الأعمال التجارية والمالية

UBS CEO promises clarity on CS merger by the end of summer
By the end of the summer, UBS wants to provide more clarity about its integration with Credit Suisse.
SNB: The lessons we learned from the Credit Suisse collapse
The Swiss National Bank revealed the lessons it has learned in the collapse of Credit Suisse and how the financial institution plans to prevent another banking crisis.
UBS picking up the tab from CS’s Archegos failure
UBS has taken over Credit Suisse which means the mega-bank has also taken on the failed bank’s debts and lawsuits.
Swiss economists expect below-average growth in 2023
While inflation has largely softened this spring, its side effects do remain. The Swiss should not expect to see their economy turn around in the next 12 months, experts say.
Swiss politicians want to prevent another ‘too big too fail’ bank
At the same moment UBS announced it had completed its shotgun merger of Credit Suisse, Swiss representatives introduced motions to prevent another state-backed rescue from happening.
نهاية حقبة: بنك يو بي إس يستوعب رسمياً بنك كريدي سويس
Switzerland's two largest banks have officially consolidated three months after the government announced the shotgun merger.
Swiss inflation down to pre-war rates
Swiss residents have felt the pinch of inflation for more than one year now -- on their rents, at the grocery store and when traveling.
UBS: CS merger complete next week
After months of protests and lawsuits, Swiss bank UBS will finally absorb failing Credit Suisse, thus creating a 'monster'-sized bank Switzerland has never before seen.
CS employees sue for revoked bonuses
After the Swiss government revoked bonuses for Credit Suisse's upper management following the near collapse of the bank, CS employees say they want them back.
Swiss want to expand renewable energy sources, not nuclear
The Swiss are most concerned about the security of their energy supply. Overall, they are not interested in using nuclear power, according to a new poll.
Google, Facebook, Twitter owe Swiss journalists millions
The Swiss government announced this week that Internet titans such as Facebook, Twitter and Google owe Swiss media companies millions in compensation for posting their articles online.
FINMA in hot water: 230 lawsuits filed against regulator over UBS-CS merger
At least 230 lawsuits have been filed against FINMA over the UBS-Credit Suisse merger.
Crypto: Ripple buys Swiss startup Metaco for $250M
While many crypto companies are downsizing, U.S. blockchain company Ripple just purchased Switzerland's Metaco in the biggest crypto purchase in the last year.
Most Swiss francs are in 1,000-franc notes
And most of those 1,000-francs bills are likely circulating abroad, according to the Swiss National Bank.
The 25 wealthiest Swiss billionaires
Switzerland has the highest concentration of billionaires in the world. This week, CEO World published its annual list of the 25 richest billionaires in Switzerland.
Swiss inflation reaches one-year low
As consumer prices stalled in the month of April 2023, the annual inflation rate in Switzerland eased to 2.
UBS: We want an investigation into CS’s decline
UBS’s CEO said there needs to be a ‘360-degree’ investigation into why and how Credit Suisse nearly collapsed before UBS purchased the bank in a state-backed shotgun merger.
Hackers: Swiss school data published on the dark web
The Bianlian ransomware gang has struck again in Switzerland – this time targeting the department of education in Basel.

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