
Appenzell: The most bizarre place in Switzerland
Yodeling, cheese and smoking children: A centuries-old Swiss culture that clings to odd traditions is very much alive today in the secluded Appenzell canton – where the pace of life is grindingly slow.
Inside Switzerland’s suicide tourism industry
This week we explore why so many terminally ill people travel to Switzerland to end their lives and why the Swiss continue to support the legality of assisted suicide.
اختبئوا لماذا تستعد سويسرا للكارثة الكبرى؟
ملجأ من التداعيات النووية لجميع سكان سويسرا البالغ عددهم 9 ملايين نسمة؟ لماذا تستعد البلاد لحرب نووية منذ عقود وما الذي يتوقع أن يفعله السكان في حال وقوعها.
سويسرا: الكثير من الأسلحة، ولكن لا يوجد إطلاق نار جماعي
Switzerland has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world. And yet: The country’s murder and mass shooting rate is practically zero.
Is mental health care the secret to Switzerland’s happiness?
Psychologists around the world are drawn to Switzerland – perhaps it stems from its history with Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, or it might have something to do with the country’s health care system.
Hiding your money? Don’t use Switzerland
The United States is more complicit than Switzerland when it comes helping people hide their money, according to a report.
Swiss neutrality
Switzerland’s complicated history with neutrality
Switzerland conjures up images of mountain villages full of peace-keeping citizens, but historically the Swiss have been far from pacifists and their neutrality was not necessarily their chosen path.
One with nature: Naked hiking in Switzerland
Naked here, naked there: While nudity is somewhat acceptable in Switzerland and actually encouraged when it comes to saunas, naked hiking remains taboo -- but not illegal.
Switzerland braces itself for European energy crisis
As tensions mount between Russia and Europe over the raging war in Ukraine, Europe struggles to contend with Russia's deliberate reduction in gas supply to the continent.
How the Swiss stay upbeat all winter long
في حين أن "hygge" الدنماركية تتمحور حول الحصول على الدفء في الداخل مع الشموع والبطانيات، يفضل السويسريون الخروج في الخارج في ظل الظروف المناخية عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتغلب على الاكتئاب الموسمي الشتوي.
Relationship goals: The Swiss secret to longevity
If “loneliness kills,” as a Harvard study suggests, then what can we learn from the Swiss about living longer? Focus on strengthening your relationships if you want to live a long and happy life, say the researchers behind the world’s longest study on adult health, the Harvard Study of Adult Development.
How Switzerland became the happiest place on earth
Switzerland consistently ranks as one of the happiest countries in the world.
Why Swiss farm shops rely on the honor system
  While a focus on locally grown produce and farm-to-table culinary experiences has become a trendy topic, the tradition of “shopping local” has been a long pervasive aspect of Swiss culture.
What the world can learn from Switzerland’s recycling system
For most of us, ‘thinking green’ has become a natural part of our existence.
كل شيء عن الثقافة السويسرية في صناعة القش البري
غالباً ما يرتبط موسم القش بالعيون الدامعة والأنف المشمئز. ولكن بالنسبة لبعض المزارعين في سويسرا، يعد هذا الوقت ثميناً بالنسبة لبعض المزارعين في سويسرا لحصاد القش في جبال الألب.
Alpine livestock descents are 100% Swiss culture
When the leaves are turning shy, pumpkin spice lattes are invading cafés, and sweaters are begging for a hug, autumn is on its way.

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