
Zurich Film Festival
Zurich Film Festival’s New Manager from Disney
Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) gain Hollywood Expertise Zurich Film Festival Welcomes Roger Crotti ZFF, a beacon of cinematic excellence, is set to embark on a new chapter.
Andres Glarner
Andreas Glarner Fake News: Fined CHF 3,842.50
Andreas Glarner fake news case comes to a decision. Andreas Glarner (SVP) is in hot water after circulating a false news video about a fellow National Councillor, Sibel Arslan (Greens/BS).
Novartis New Gene Therapy Billion Dollar Deal
Novartis new gene therapy deal is potentially worth billions of dollars. The new deal involves acquiring rights to a therapy created by Voyager.
الشركات السويسرية في قائمة أغنى 100 شركة سويسرية الآن
Swiss Company Rich List End of 2023: Nestlé, $307 billion Roche, $233 billion Novartis, $206 billion Swiss Company Rich List: Representing around $746 billion.
Throwback Thursday: Switzerland Back in Time
Step into the past with Throwback Thursday pictures! Every Thursday, join us on a nostalgic journey as we revisit cherished memories and moments captured in time.
زيوريخ هي أغلى مدينة في العالم - جنيف في المركز الثالث
Together with Singapore, the city of Zurich has taken first place in the ranking of the most expensive cities in the world published by the British magazine "The Economist".
“Rendez-vous Bundesplatz” attracts around 385,000 visitors
The "Mystic" program at the 13th edition of "Rendez-vous Bundesplatz" attracted around 385,000 visitors.
Twelve wolf packs are to be killed
In the wolf hunt starting on December 1, the cantons want to wipe out twelve entire packs.
مهرجان مونترو لموسيقى الجاز 2024 يرسو من جديد في قلب المدينة
يجب على مهرجان مونترو لموسيقى الجاز (MJF) أن يعيد ابتكار نفسه لنسخته لعام 2024. ونظراً لأنه يتم تجديد مركز المؤتمرات، سيكون هناك مسرح على البحيرة في الدورة الثامنة والخمسين.
جاءت المبادرة الشعبية لخدمة المواطنين للجميع بمبادرة شعبية لخدمة المواطنين للجميع
The Federal Council and Parliament will hold a debate on future compulsory service.
صور تاريخية لسيرك كني في برن
Parade of the Circus Knie through Berne, Switzerland, in May of 1949. Onlookers line the road on both sides.
استكشاف سحر سوق البصل السويسري التقليدي
يقع في قلب سويسرا تقليد عزيز صمد أمام اختبار الزمن، وهو سوق البصل السويسري، أو ما يُعرف بـ "زيبلميريت".
Most famous Briton who never lived: Sherlock Holmes “dead” for 130 years
A duel with the evil Professor Moriarty, a fall down the Reichenbach Falls - the supposed death of Sherlock Holmes in 1893 sent shockwaves through England.
Bern’s Theater Gurten presents a world premiere
Bern's Gurten Theater is presenting a world premiere in the summer of 2024 on Bern's local mountain of the same name.
New initiative calls for restrictions on fireworks
People, animals and the environment should be protected from loud fireworks and their harmful emissions.
Wolves may be shot in the future also preventively
In the future, wolves may also be shot before they have caused damage. Preventive shooting will be permitted as early as December - by cantonal gamekeepers and with the approval of the federal government.
سئمت السويد من الخلط بينها وبين سويسرا.
غالبًا ما يتم الخلط بين السويد وسويسرا من قبل السياح في جميع أنحاء العالم، وفقًا لما ذكرته هيئة السياحة السويدية Visit Sweden، وهي الجهة المسوقة للسياحة السويدية.
Swiss Literature: New Releases in November 2023
Mattia Bertoldi's novel "Lilly's Courage" tells the true story of Lilly Volkart, a woman who, in 1917, wanted to become a children's doctor in Zurich but instead founded a children's home in the 1940s to provide refuge for Jewish children fleeing war and Nazi persecution.

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the swiss times
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