
Swiss Farmer Protests
احتجاجات المزارع السويسرية: المطالبة بارتفاع الأسعار
Swiss farmers unite in a powerful protest for equitable milk prices and sustainable farming conditions, marking a significant moment in Switzerland's agricultural landscape.
Swiss company bankruptcy
Swiss Company Bankruptcy Up Significantly in February
Switzerland witnesses a 12.2% spike in company bankruptcies this February, with Creditreform predicting more turbulence ahead.
Galaxus Expands with New Logistics Hub in Southern Germany
Galaxus expands its logistics network with a third center in Neuenburg am Rhein, Germany, ensuring efficient distribution for Swiss and European markets.
Swiss Construction
تباطؤ قطاع الإنشاءات السويسري في هذا العام
تتوقع شركات البناء السويسرية تراجعاً في المبيعات بسبب ارتفاع أسعار الفائدة وتصاعد تكاليف البناء، على الرغم من النمو المتواضع في عام 2023.
Swiss corruption
واحدة من كل ثلاث شركات سويسرية تعترف بالرشوة في الخارج
كشفت دراسة حديثة أنه على الرغم من الجهود المتزايدة لمكافحة الفساد، فإن أكثر من نصف الشركات السويسرية تواجه طلبات للحصول على مدفوعات غير مشروعة في الخارج، مع رضوخ جزء كبير منها لهذه الطلبات.
Chinese Merger
زيادة عمليات الاندماج الصينية في سويسرا
EY's analysis revealing a significant drop to the lowest levels since 2012, despite a rise in Switzerland.
Bank Error
Bank Error: City of Zurich Wages Paid Twice
Double Payday Glitch: Zurich's 30,000 Employees Receive February Salaries Twice Due to Bank Error Keystone/SDA - STEFFEN SCHMIDT The city of Zurich has paid its 30,000 employees their February salaries twice.
Switzerland Joins the WTO Developing Country Investment Scheme
Empowering Developing Nations: Switzerland's Commitment to Global Economic Growth and Sustainability Keystone/SDA - JON GAMBRELL With over 120 countries, Switzerland has agreed to a plurilateral agreement in Abu Dhabi to facilitate investment in developing countries.
Sunday, February 25th, Weekly Round-Up
In this weeks roundup, Ruag MRO amid scandal criticisms, Switzerland's energy surplus in a post-blackout recovery, and the looming pension crisis for future retirees.
مبادرة الديمقراطيين الاجتماعيين للتأمين الصحي تفشل
المركز السويسري يرفض مقترح الحد الأقصى للأقساط الصحية ويناقش التكلفة والتضامن في الرعاية الصحية Keystone/SDA - بيتر شنايدر يرفض المركز مبادرة تخفيف أقساط التأمين التي طرحها الحزب الاشتراكي.
Almost 1000 Farmers’ Protest in Kerzers FR
Almost thousand farmers converged in Kerzers with tractors for a peaceful protest.
Delivery service
Delivery Services in Switzerland Have New Competition
The delivery service market has another entrant, Alfies. How will they fair in this competitive industry? Keystone/SDA - CHRISTIAN BEUTLER Delivery services Stash and Farmy are facing competition: Austrian online supermarket Alfies is now also delivering to the greater Zurich area, as well as part of the Aargau region.
2023 Accounts of the Canton of Schwyz Close with a Profit
Schwyz State Accounts Surpass Expectations with CHF 64 Million Improvement KeystoneURS FLUEELER Schwyz benefited from higher property gains taxes and interest income on fixed-term deposits.
Swiss wine
ارتفاع إنتاج سويسرا من النبيذ إلى 101 مليون لتر
يشهد النبيذ السويسري ارتفاعاً ملحوظاً حيث وصل إلى 101 مليون لتر في العام الماضي، مما يبشر بخمر استثنائي في المستقبل بفضل الظروف المناخية المواتية.
Swiss free trade with moldova
Swiss Free Trade with Moldova: Federal Council Endorses EFTA Agreement
Swiss free trade with Moldova gains momentum as the Federal Council greenlights the EFTA agreement, setting a new precedent in e-commerce and sustainable trade.
Zurich Airport
Zurich Airport Expansion Vote March 3rd – Claims of Underhanded Tactics
Zurich Airport expansion referendum. Green cantonal councillor Urs Dietschi criticism, and the government's alleged delay tactics.
Switzerland Will Not Summon the Russian Ambassador over Navalny Death
Following the tragic death of Alexei Navalny, Switzerland's Federal Department of Foreign Affairs calls for a thorough investigation but refrains from summoning the Russian ambassador.
Swiss Asylum
Swiss Asylum Applications Increase 23%
Swiss asylum applications witness a 23.4% increase in January, with significant contributions from Afghanistan and Turkey.

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the swiss times
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