هيلباني تتوسع في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: فصل جديد في ابتكار رعاية كبار السن

هيلباني تتوسع في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: فصل جديد في ابتكار رعاية كبار السن

الخميس، مارس 14 مارس 2024

تضع شركة Helpany السويسرية الناشئة أنظارها على الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، حيث ستطرح حلولها المتقدمة لرعاية كبار السن القائمة على الذكاء الاصطناعي في أسواق جديدة في ربيع 2024.

Helpany About Us

Helpany will now bring their healthcare products, developed through market testing in Switzerland, to an American audience. The startup has seen an astonishing 400% growth in 2023, underscoring the demand for its solutions for seniors and their caregivers.

Sedimentum rebrands to Helpany and according to their press release as they are expanding to San Francisco.

Helpany’s flagship tech, Paul, employs a radar sensor coupled with artificial intelligence to monitor home movements 24/7, detecting irregularities and ensuring the independence of seniors.

This system, requires just one or two devices per household, providing a non-intrusive safety net, analysing motion to distinguish between ordinary activities and potential emergencies.

Helpany claim they will enter the US market, the American market might be the best fit for the product, time will tell. Paul is nonetheless an interesting prospect, promising a future where distance and safety concerns no longer stand in the way of appropriate attention and care.

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