Injuries and Arrests at the Glaubenberg Federal Asylum Center

Injuries and Arrests at the Glaubenberg Federal Asylum Center

الخميس, نوفمبر 2nd 2023

In the Federal Asylum Center (BAZ) Glaubenberg in Sarnen OW, there was an altercation between asylum seekers on Wednesday evening. According to the police, three people were slightly injured and five people were temporarily arrested.

(KEYSTONE/Alexandra Wey)

Already on Tuesday, there had been confrontations on the Glaubenberg, as the Obwalden cantonal police announced on Wednesday evening. This incident also led to three slightly injured and “criminal investigations”.

The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) strengthened the security arrangements on Glaubenberg after the incident on Wednesday, as it announced on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday evening. In addition, it is considering the rapid transfer of asylum seekers in other federal asylum centers.

BAZ capacity expanded

On Tuesday, it had become known that the federal government can temporarily accommodate almost twice as many asylum seekers on the Glaubenberg as in normal operation. The canton of Obwalden and the municipality of Sarnen had signed a corresponding agreement with the Confederation.

The BAZ in the Glaubenberg military camp offers 340 places and is to be operated until mid-2025. To increase capacity, the SEM is taking over another building from the army, which can accommodate up to 300 more asylum seekers until the end of April 2024 at the latest, according to a statement on Tuesday. The FOC will be operated by the SEM. The federal government is responsible for security, which also compensates the cantonal police for services.


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