Basel Government President Beat Jans (SP) Wants to Become a Member of the Federal Council

Published: Friday, Sep 22nd 2023, 09:26

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

Beat Jans, a 59-year-old Basel government president and former national councillor of the Swiss People's Party (SP), has announced his candidacy for the Swiss Federal Council. He is the fourth SP politician to declare his candidacy for the position, which is currently held by Alain Berset. Jans has been a member of the Swiss Parliament for five years and was the vice president of the SP Switzerland. He holds a diploma in environmental science and agrotechnology, as well as a teaching degree in agriculture. Before his government role, he worked as an independent consultant for sustainability and communication. Jans joins Matthias Aebischer, Daniel Jositsch and Mustafa Atici, all from the SP, in the race for the Berset-Nachfolge. The SP will nominate its Federal Council ticket on November 25th. Jans has said he will take until the end of September to consider his candidacy.


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