Call for coordinated action to combat Chagas disease
Published: Friday, Dec 20th 2024, 12:20
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Chagas disease, which is particularly widespread in Latin America, is also spreading in Switzerland. The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) in Allschwil BL has therefore called for coordinated measures to combat the spread of the tropical disease in collaboration with the WHO.
Between 2,000 and 4,000 people are affected in Switzerland, Swiss TPH announced on Friday. Worldwide, 7 to 8 million people are infected. The WHO classifies Chagas disease as a neglected tropical disease.
Chagas disease is transmitted by a parasite, the report continues. This can be transmitted from mother to child via predatory bugs, food, blood transfusions and organ donations, as well as during pregnancy and childbirth.
According to the press release, Chagas disease progresses in two stages: in the acute phase during the first two months, the symptoms are mild or non-existent. In the chronic phase, which occurs decades later, up to a third of those infected suffer from cardiovascular, digestive or neurological problems.
While most cases in Switzerland are attributable to migration, a study shows that Chagas disease can also be transmitted from mothers to their children during pregnancy in this country.
According to Swiss TPH, one problem is that the disease is often not diagnosed, particularly in non-endemic regions. A Swiss Chagas Network has therefore been established with the aim of identifying the disease and preventing its spread.
The study by Swiss TPH, the WHO and other partners was published on Thursday in the journal "Swiss Medical Weekly".