Cost brake initiative does not meet with approval from the SVP

Published: Saturday, Mar 23rd 2024, 15:50

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The center party's cost brake initiative did not find favor with the SVP delegates on Saturday. The party base voted against the initiative on Saturday.

According to the popular initiative, the federal government and cantons, together with the stakeholders in the healthcare system, must take measures if healthcare costs rise too sharply compared to wage trends. This would be the case if the cost growth per insured person were one fifth higher than nominal wage growth.

"Who doesn't want lower health insurance premiums, a brake on healthcare costs?" asked Esther Friedli, member of the St. Gallen SVP Council of States. On closer inspection, however, the issue turns out to be a bad one.

The initiative says nothing at all about how costs are to be curbed and what the consequences would be. In the worst case, the initiative would lead to rationing in the healthcare system.

In contrast to the initiative, the indirect counter-proposal includes cost and quality targets in compulsory health insurance. This is intended to halt the cost trend. In addition, not only wage trends, but also demographic developments and technological progress should be taken into account.

The delegates voted against by 329 votes to 11 with 3 abstentions.

As the delegates' meeting was already packed with delegates, the party executive committee decided on its own initiative to vote in favor of the fourth proposal on June 9, the "Stop mandatory vaccination initiative".


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