Ex-Migros CEO Fabrice Zumbrunnen Becomes Board Member of Swiss Medical Network

Published: Thursday, Jul 6th 2023, 06:40

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

Aevis Victoria has appointed Fabrice Zumbrunnen, the former CEO of Migros, to the board of Swiss Medical Network. Swiss Medical Network is the second largest private hospital and clinic group in Switzerland and a subsidiary of Aevis Victoria. Zumbrunnen has a long history with the Migros Group and played a major role in shaping the medical strategy of Migros, which began with the acquisition of Medbase in 2001 and has since been successfully expanded. According to Raymond Loretan, Chairman of the Board of Swiss Medical Network, Zumbrunnen will drive the strategy of integrated care. This began with the establishment of the first fully integrated care organization in the Jura Arc, the Réseau de l'Arc, last autumn, and has laid the foundation for a paradigm shift in the Swiss health care system. Meanwhile, Christian Le Dorze is leaving the board of Swiss Medical Network after more than 12 years and will focus on new projects in health care in France and Europe.


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