Federal Councillor Rösti signs gas solidarity agreement in Berlin

Published: Tuesday, Mar 19th 2024, 12:00

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Federal Councillor Albert Rösti signed the gas solidarity agreement with Germany and Italy in Berlin on Tuesday. The three countries have agreed to help each other out in an emergency with gas supplies for protected customers.

The Federal Council gave the green light for the signing of the trilateral agreement on Friday. Parliament will make the decision. The Federal Council aims to have a consultation draft with the ratification proposal and the necessary credit commitments ready by May.

Switzerland does not have its own gas storage facilities. It is dependent on neighboring countries. According to the Federal Council, without a contract there is a risk that neighboring countries could reduce their gas supplies to Switzerland in the event of a shortage.

Rösti signed the gas solidarity agreement together with German Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck and Italian Environment and Energy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin. During his working visit to Berlin, Rösti also spoke with Volker Wissing, the German Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport.

Topics included rail traffic on the Rhine-Alpine corridor and the introduction of digital automatic coupling. According to the Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC), this will make rail freight transport simpler and more efficient.


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