“It’s better together” is the guiding principle for the new Justice Minister Jans

Published: Tuesday, Apr 2nd 2024, 18:20

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Reducing the backlog of asylum applications, bringing more refugees into the job market, combating domestic violence and wage discrimination: the new SP Federal Councillor Beat Jans wants to work according to the motto "Together it's better". His approach has met with mixed reactions.

After almost 100 days in office, Beat Jans presented his political priorities to the media in Bern on Tuesday. The Basel native wants to align his work with the guiding principle "Together it's better". Switzerland thrives on the willingness of political forces to work together.

24-hour asylum procedure

Jans wants to tackle the mountain of pending asylum applications. "When I took office on January 1, we had over 15,000 pending applications," he said. "That's too much." Jans also hopes that the 24-hour asylum procedure will ease the burden on asylum structures.

Its aim is to ensure that people with little prospect of asylum make fewer asylum applications in Switzerland. In Zurich, the number of applications from people from Maghreb countries has fallen by 70 percent following a pilot test, said Jans. The fast-track procedure is to be introduced nationwide in the coming weeks.

Jans is also focusing on the safety of women in Switzerland. In 2022, the police registered 19,000 cases of domestic violence, more than traffic accidents. Victims must have easy access to help, he demanded.

The new Minister of Justice also has his eye on women's wages. The fact that women still earn significantly less than men "is and remains a scandal and violates the constitution."

Different recording

Jans' plans were received differently in parliament. "We see Jans as an announcement minister", said SVP parliamentary group leader Thomas Aeschi. Jans communicates sharply, but has only implemented very little.

Center Party leader Philipp Matthias Bregy welcomed Jans' pragmatic approach to asylum and migration policy. FDP parliamentary group leader Damien Cottier saw in Jans "a willingness to take matters into his own hands."

The SP supports its representative on the Federal Council. Jans has settled in well and has already contributed ideas, said co-leader of the parliamentary group Samuel Bendahan. Finally, the Greens would have liked the new Minister of Justice to include the "Pacte civil" on his list of priorities.


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