“Large Gain for SVP and Large Loss for Greens in Polls”
Published: Wednesday, Oct 11th 2023, 16:20
تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14
العودة إلى البث المباشر
The latest election barometer from Sotomo predicts that the Green Party could drop below the 10% threshold and the Swiss People's Party could increase their voter share to over 28%. The Greens would lose more than half of their gains from 2019, dropping from 16.8% to 9.7%. The SVP is predicted to gain 2.5% points, bringing their voter share to 28.1%. The Social Democrats could also gain, increasing from 16.8% to 18.3%. The Left is predicted to lose 2% points. The Centre and FDP are neck and neck, with the Centre at 14.3% and the FDP at 14.1%. The GLP could drop 1% point from their 2019 result. The barometer predicts a rightward shift, but not as strong as in 2015. The biggest challenge for voters is currently the health insurance premiums, followed by climate change and immigration. The importance of the economy has decreased. The barometer predicts a lower voter turnout than in 2019, particularly among the Left.