Launch of Hot Phase of Election Campaign

Published: Sunday, Aug 27th 2023, 09:40

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

Three parties kicked off the last phase of the election campaign over the weekend. The SVP transformed the ZSC hockey stadium into a Schwingarena, while the SP and the Greens were less ostentatious but no less determined. Around 4000 SVP supporters attended the event, which included prominent figures and entertainment. SVP president Marco Chiesa outlined the party's vision for Switzerland, which included no 10 million population, no thousands of asylum seekers per year, and no regulations. He also called for lower taxes, an end to the asylum chaos, and control over who enters the country. The SP's election launch in the bilingual city of Biel was attended by 600 people, including two government members. Co-president Mattea Meyer launched a frontal attack against the bourgeois majority in parliament, and Justice Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider rejected SVP accusations of an "asylum chaos". The Greens opened their campaign in Bern, with party president Balthasar Glättli calling for courage to face the uncomfortable truth. The delegates voted to launch a Solar Initiative, which requires all suitable roofs to be equipped with solar panels within 15 years.nnnnnnnnnnnn


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