Lausanne Hosts the First Stunt Academy of Switzerland

Published: Tuesday, Sep 26th 2023, 14:26

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The European Stunt Academy (AEC) is a new academy in Lausanne, Switzerland, offering courses for both professionals and amateurs in the field of stunts. The academy is the brainchild of Pavel Jancik, a 60-year-old weapons master who has worked with world-famous actors such as Daniel Craig, Marion Cotillard and Isabelle Adjani. The academy aims to fill a gap in the market, as actors are often unprepared to perform stunts. Courses will include acrobatics, fighting with bare hands or weapons, self-defence training and de-escalation of violent situations for schools and businesses. The official opening of the AEC will take place on October 4th at the Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne, on a 450 square metre area. The academy will be led by Pavel Jancik and supported by five other specialists in martial arts and fight scenes.


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