Longer store opening hours rejected in Valais

Published: Sunday, Mar 3rd 2024, 16:10

العودة إلى البث المباشر

Store opening hours are not to be extended in Valais. The law on store opening hours was rejected by 64.8 percent of voters on Sunday, as announced by the State Chancellery.

Among other things, the reform provided for the closing time to be moved to 7 p.m. on all evenings of the week. The voters preferred to keep the current opening time of 6.30 pm.

With the "No" vote, the people of Valais also rejected bringing forward the closing time for stores from 5 p.m. to 4 p.m. on December 24. They also opposed the possibility for municipalities to create new tourist zones that would be open until 9 p.m. seven days a week.

The turnout amounted to 61.7 percent.


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