National Council supports noise protection and contaminated sites bill

Published: Monday, Mar 4th 2024, 18:40

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The National Council has accepted a proposal from the Federal Council to better coordinate noise protection and settlement development. It concerns a revision of the Environmental Protection Act, with which the national government also wants to speed up the remediation of contaminated sites.

After its approval remained undisputed, the National Council began detailed deliberations on the bill on Monday evening. Among other things, it will deal with the question of the conditions under which apartments can also be built in areas where noise emission limits are exceeded in future.

When discussing this bill in December, the Council of States had spoken out in favor of some simplifications. The National Council has now received a proposal from its preliminary committee that goes somewhat less far.

A proposal by a minority of the committee is also likely to cause a stir. It wants to make it more difficult for municipal or cantonal authorities to lower speed limits on roads with heavy traffic in order to reduce noise.

With regard to the renovation of contaminated private playgrounds, the preliminary consultation committee is proposing to the National Council, in line with the Federal Council, that the cantons should be able to support the owners of these playgrounds financially under certain conditions. The Council of States did not want this.


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