العيش في سويسرا

Today the biggest folk festival in Switzerland begins in Zurich.
The Züri Fäscht, the largest folk festival in Switzerland, begins today in Zurich at 5pm.
Amherd Signs Declaration of Intent for European Sky Shield
The Swiss government has signed an agreement to join the European Sky Shield air defence system.
Ex-Migros CEO Fabrice Zumbrunnen Becomes Board Member of Swiss Medical Network
Aevis Victoria has appointed Fabrice Zumbrunnen, the former CEO of Migros, to the board of Swiss Medical Network.
Two People in Life-Threatening Danger After Fire in Le Lignon, GE
Two people were found unconscious in a stairwell in Le Lignon, GE, during the night of Wednesday to Thursday, in a state of life-threatening danger, according to the Geneva Fire and Rescue Service.
Finma Defends Its Approach to the CS Crisis and Demands More Powers
The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) is calling for more power.
Signing the Declaration of Intent for Sky Shield
The Swiss government has announced its intention to join the European air defence system Sky Shield.
Bundesrat Albert Rösti Inaugurates the 3rd Gubrist Tunnel
The Swiss road network is being expanded today with an important new structure. Federal Councillor Albert Rösti (SVP) will inaugurate the third Gubrist tunnel on the Zurich North bypass.
Swiss Cantonal Council Member Allegedly Abused Prostitutes in Zurich
Bernhard Diethelm, a member of the Swiss Cantonal Council from the Swiss People's Party (SVP), is facing trial today Monday for attempted rape at the District Court of Zurich.
140 Million Masks Must Be Destroyed
By 2023, around 140 million masks used to protect against the coronavirus will reach their expiration date.
Delegates of SVP Launch Immigration Initiative in Küssnacht
The Swiss People's Party (SVP) is holding a special party meeting in Küssnacht SZ on Saturday to discuss the issue of migration, which they believe has become "out of control".
A Look Behind the Facades of the Bern Federal Buildings
On Saturday and Sunday, the people of Bern can take a look behind the scenes of the federal buildings for the 175th anniversary of the Swiss Federal Constitution - the birth of the modern federal state.
The Staff at Geneva Airport Have Begun the Strike
Today, the staff at Geneva Airport went on strike at 4am in protest of a new wage model approved by the board of directors.
Fire at Waste Dump in Satigny
A fire broke out at a landfill in Satigny GE on Friday night. No one was injured, but the smoke was visible from far away in the whole of the Canton of Geneva and in the French neighbourhood.
Unknowns Swindle 70,000 Francs in the Valais with a Fraud Scheme
In the Canton of Valais, since April, unknown perpetrators have stolen around 70,000 Swiss Francs using a new scam.
Waadt invests an additional 200 million in climate protection measures.
The Canton of Vaud is stepping up its efforts to meet its climate goals. It has allocated 209 million Swiss francs for a package of around 20 measures to be implemented by spring 2024.
Alexandre Fasel Succeeds Livia Leu as State Secretary
Alexander Fasel has been appointed as the new Secretary of State in the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA).
Initiative Against Sawiris Marina Project on Isleten Submitted
The Green Party of Uri has submitted a people's initiative called "Isleten for All" to prevent plans by investor Samih Sawiris to build a marina and a hotel on the Isleten peninsula on Lake Lucerne.
Police Arrests Person After Death in Lengnau BE
On Sunday, a woman was found dead in Lengnau BE due to severe internal injuries caused by a fall.

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the swiss times
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