Physician Association Suggests Increase in Premiums Could Be Smaller

Published: Tuesday, Sep 26th 2023, 15:26

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The Swiss Medical Association FMH has stated that the recent rise in health insurance premiums could have been dampened if important reforms had not been blocked by the Parliament and Federal Council. These reforms include the uniform financing of outpatient and inpatient services, the medication reform and the new Tardoc doctor's tariff. The FMH criticised the Federal Council for postponing the consultation on the medication reform, which could have saved 250 million francs annually. The Tardoc doctor's tariff, which would strengthen basic care and eliminate incorrect incentives, only needs to be approved by the Federal Council. The uniform financing of outpatient and inpatient services has been discussed in Parliament for 14 years and must now be implemented. The FMH also called for easy access to premium discounts for households with lower incomes.


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