SVP and centrists fight for second seat in Glarus government

Published: Sunday, Mar 24th 2024, 05:40

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Glarus voters will decide the successor to Benjamin Mühlemann (FDP) in a second round of voting on Sunday (today). There will be an exciting duel between centrist Daniela Bösch-Widmer and SVP politician Thomas Tschudi for the current FDP government seat. Either party will become the strongest force in the government if they win.

Due to the withdrawal of the liberal candidate Roger Schneider after a weak first round of voting, there will definitely be a shift in power in the government council. The FDP has already lost one of its two seats in government.

The Center Party and the People's Party each currently hold one seat in the government. One of the two parties will now pick up a second seat. The SP is not taking part in the election and will retain its one seat.

Who will be on the podium at the end of the day is completely open. After the first round of voting, the 47-year-old remedial teacher Bösch-Widmer was just 319 votes ahead of the 45-year-old business economist Tschudi. The decisive factor in the second round of voting will be who can win over more independent voters.

FDP advertises in disguise for SVP candidates

Although the FDP leadership did not make an election recommendation, it did advertise the SVP's candidate on its homepage. There is talk of a "proven right-wing bourgeois composition" of the government, meaning the existing government majority of FDP and SVP. Should the centrist candidate win the race, this would result in a center-left majority.

Bösch-Widmer has been a member of the cantonal parliament since 2009 and is its vice president. If she wins the election, she would be the second woman in government alongside Marianne Lienhard (SVP).

Tschudi has been a member of the cantonal council since 2012 and chairs the Audit Committee. He only recently raised his profile in the Glarus region. In the national elections in October, the SVP under his leadership was the only party to contest both chambers and won Glarus' only seat in the National Council.

Landammann Benjamin Mühlemann was elected to the Council of States on October 22, 2023. He will therefore step down as a member of the cantonal government at the Landsgemeinde in May.


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