The Council of States Has Said No to Toll for Heavily Used Highway Tunnels

Published: Wednesday, Sep 20th 2023, 10:41

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The Swiss Council of States has rejected a motion to introduce a toll for heavily used motorway tunnels such as the Gotthard Road Tunnel. The motion, proposed by Marco Chiesa (SVP/TI), called for a fee for vehicles of up to 3.5 tonnes in heavily used motorway tunnels, with a focus on car tourists on the north-south axis. It was rejected with 15 votes against 8 and 13 abstentions. The motion proposed that Swiss citizens should not be burdened with additional costs. The situation at the Gotthard has become unbearable, especially during the holiday season, Chiesa said in support of the motion. Car trips to the south and north have become a challenge for Ticino and Uri. The motion received initial sympathy from Matthias Michel (FDP/ZG), but he did not want a Mobility Pricing limited to tunnels. The Federal Council also requested a no vote on the motion, as it did not want to pre-empt a report ordered by the National Council. This report will look into the diversion traffic that rolls through the villages when cars are stuck in traffic jams on the motorway. The report is expected to be ready by the first half of 2024. The Federal Council is also preparing pilot projects for Mobility Pricing.


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