The Proceedings Against Employees of the Swiss Embassy Have Been Completed

Published: Saturday, Jul 15th 2023, 08:40

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

An employee of the Swiss Embassy in Sri Lanka has been sentenced to a fine of 5000 Rupies (14 Swiss Francs) and must pay 5000 Swiss Francs in court costs. The woman was temporarily arrested in 2019 for allegedly making false statements regarding a possible kidnapping. She was later released on bail. The Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) confirmed the verdict and welcomed the conclusion of the "nearly four-year court proceedings". The EDA will now analyse the verdict and decide if further steps need to be taken. The EDA also stated that Switzerland will cover the court costs of 5000 Swiss Francs. The EDA declined to comment on the sentence. In summary, an employee of the Swiss Embassy in Sri Lanka was sentenced to a fine of 5000 Rupies and must pay 5000 Swiss Francs in court costs. The Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed the verdict and will cover the court costs. They will analyse the verdict and decide if further steps need to be taken.


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