Two People in Life-Threatening Danger After Fire in Le Lignon, GE

Published: Thursday, Jul 6th 2023, 06:40

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

Two people were found unconscious in a stairwell in Le Lignon, GE, during the night of Wednesday to Thursday, in a state of life-threatening danger, according to the Geneva Fire and Rescue Service. The fire brigade was called to a basement fire in Le Lignon in the municipality of Vernier GE at 0.40am. An investigation and rescue team found the two unconscious people in the stairwell, as the rescue services reported on Thursday morning. The fire generated a strong smoke development in the stairwell. The two people were then transported to a hospital with life-threatening injuries. In summary, two people were found unconscious in a stairwell in Le Lignon, GE, in a state of life-threatening danger, according to the Geneva Fire and Rescue Service. They were transported to a hospital with life-threatening injuries.


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