Voting Packets Arrived with Many Voters

Published: Friday, Sep 29th 2023, 10:41

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

Voting in the Swiss National and Council of States elections on October 22nd is open to all Swiss citizens aged 18 and over, as well as Swiss citizens living abroad. To ensure that their vote counts, voters must follow a few rules. Panaschieren, kumulieren and streichen are all valid voting methods, but must be done by hand. Names can also be added to existing lists, but not too many. These methods allow voters to make their voice heard and participate in the democratic process. Panaschieren is the process of voting for multiple candidates on a single list, while kumulieren is the process of voting for multiple candidates from different lists. Streichen is the process of crossing out names on a list. All of these methods must be done by hand and must follow the rules set out by the Swiss government. Voting is an important part of democracy and it is important to understand the rules and methods of voting in order to make sure that your vote counts. By following the rules and understanding the different methods of voting, Swiss citizens can make sure that their voice is heard and that their vote counts.


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