Wallis Presents Balanced Budget 2024

Published: Friday, Sep 1st 2023, 11:40

تم التحديث في: الجمعة، 13 أكتوبر 2023، الساعة 14:12:14

العودة إلى البث المباشر

The Wallis government expects a small surplus of 9.5 million francs in 2024. Expenditure and income amount to almost 4.5 billion francs. The government faces a challenge in the form of inflation, which leads to an increase in subsidies and construction costs. This balanced budget has only been achieved through considerable efforts by the various departments. Projects and investments are postponed or implemented in stages, and the state is foregoing the creation of urgently needed positions. In addition, the canton is tapping its reserves more strongly. In the next year, the government will spend more money in particular in the areas of health (+ 70.5 million francs), social welfare and equality (+ 26.2 million francs), universities (+ 11.7 million francs) or mobility (+ 11.4 million francs). For investments, the government plans to spend a gross of 643 million francs in the next year. This is less than in the budget 2023 (686 million francs), but significantly more than in the annual accounts 2022 (+ 16.1 percent). A total of 159.9 million francs is to be taken from the reserves. A dividend payment by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) is not budgeted for 2024, as it may not take place. To compensate for this, the government plans to draw 107.3 million francs from the compensation fund for revenue fluctuations in 2024. In addition, 18.7 million francs are to be taken from the financial policy reserve.nnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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