SBB Strategies to Tackle Train Delays from Neighboring Nations

SBB Strategies to Tackle Train Delays from Neighboring Nations

الأحد, يناير 28th 2024

Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) is actively negotiating with Austria, Germany, and Italy to reduce train delays, ensuring smoother connections within Switzerland.

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The Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) is negotiating with the railroad companies of neighboring countries due to delays.

SBB is therefore in negotiations with Austria, Germany and Italy to minimize the impact of the delays on train connections in Switzerland. SBB is only satisfied with the punctuality of French trains.

Delays on long-distance trains traveling from Germany, Austria and Italy to Switzerland are a daily occurrence, as the Sonntagszeitung reported. This jeopardizes connections in Switzerland.

Trains from Munich no longer in the timetable

In order to cushion the delays caused by Deutsche Bahn (DB), SBB no longer wants to include trains coming from Munich via St. Gallen to Zurich in the Swiss timetable, as reported by the Sonntagszeitung newspaper. These Eurocity trains are integrated into the Swiss timetable. If the Eurocity misses its route, there is no possibility of overtaking a slower train and thus making up time.

To mitigate the delays, SBB no longer wants to include these trains on the St. Gallen-Zurich section in the Swiss timetable. The stop in St. Gallen will only be used to get off the train in Switzerland from Germany. In addition, the waiting time for delayed Eurocity trains in Switzerland is to be adjusted.

Earlier departure in Milan

In Italy, trains from Milano Centrale station to Switzerland are to depart earlier. This would give SBB more time to compensate for any delays on the Simplon axis from Milan via Brig to Geneva or Basel.

According to SBB, punctuality on this route “has fallen over the past summer, which is why we are working on improvements together with our Italian partners”, as they told the Sonntagszeitung newspaper. SBB rated the punctuality of international passenger traffic from Italy on the Gotthard axis as being at “an acceptable level”.

SBB did not disclose what is being negotiated with the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB). Various suggestions for improvement are being discussed, according to the media report. However, SBB said it was “not satisfied” with the punctuality of long-distance passenger services from Austria.


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