نقص في المتخصصين في الذكاء الاصطناعي - يجب على العديد منهم تحسين مهاراتهم وإلا

نقص في المتخصصين في الذكاء الاصطناعي - يجب على العديد منهم تحسين مهاراتهم وإلا

الجمعة، أبريل 5 أبريل 2024

تنبئ الطفرة في تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي بحدوث تدافع تنافسي على المتخصصين المهرة مما يشكل تحدياً للشركات.

كيستون/بيتر كلونزر

The future use of artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to lead to a battle for appropriately trained specialists. Concludes of a recent study by recruitment agency Adecco Switzerland.

According to the study published on Friday in collaboration with Oxford Economics, in which more than 2,000 managers were surveyed, there is an urgent need to build up skills in order to be able to exploit the potential of AI.

However, the majority of companies are pursuing an unbalanced “buy vs. build” approach – in other words, a third of companies prefer to buy the necessary AI specialists externally instead of retraining their own staff.

The skills gap extends to management level. More than half (57%) of those surveyed have little confidence in their own management’s ability to understand the “risks and opportunities” of AI.

Labor Market Facing Upheaval

Companies are also increasingly turning to the procurement of specialists for other digital skills. In the area of data skills, for example, 62% of managers would rather hire external experts, while only 36% plan to train or develop their teams.

Significant upheavals are expected across the entire labor market. For example, 41% of respondents expect to employ fewer staff in five years’ time due to AI.

Only 46 percent of those surveyed want to replace the jobs that will be lost as a result of AI.

Nevertheless, the human factor is likely to remain important. At 57%, a majority of managing directors say that the “human touch” is still more influential than AI. However, creativity and innovation are named as the most important areas where skills are lacking.


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