Swiss biker gangs brawl in Bern

Swiss biker gangs brawl in Bern

الثلاثاء, مايو 31st 2022

A Swiss company implements a four-day work week, China refuses to talk to Switzerland about trade and more in our roundup of Swiss news from May 27-31.

Swiss officials say the Chinese government has refused to discuss trade since 2018.

Switzerland and China clash over free trade agreement

Switzerland’s  State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) has announced that it would like to update its 2014 free trade agreement with China, but that Chinese officials have refused to communicate with them since 2018. Switzerland wants to decrease customs on Swiss products, as well as introduce sustainability practices. China is the third largest market for exported Swiss goods, so if the talks do not happen, Switzerland will take the hit. “The blame lies with the current political discussion in Switzerland, which is not well perceived in parts of the Chinese state apparatus,” Jean-Philippe Kohl, deputy director of Swissmem told local newspaper ن.زد زونتاج. Kohl was referring to Switzerland’s condemnation of China allegedly using forced labor of Uyghur people in the northern part of the country. One trade expert, Ralph Weber, told the newspaper that the country’s “special path” with China is at a dead end. اقرأ المزيد.

Warmer temperatures reduce Swiss water supply

Spring 2022 was one of the warmest on record in Switzerland – nearly 3 degrees above normal temperatures, according to SRF Méteo. Moreover, there has been a lack of snow, which serves as the country’s water reservoir. Only about 25% of usual snow reserves is available this year. Swiss officials say that a lot of summer precipitation will be needed to compensate for this, otherwise the country will be face with a shortage. اقرأ المزيد.

Members of the Hells Angels and Bandidos gangs were throwing bottles and stones at each other.

Hells Angels and Bandidos brawl in Bern

In a scene that would seem better suited for Los Angeles than Bern, Swiss police on Monday had to separate two rival biker gangs with water cannons and rubber bullets in front of the city’s courthouse. The motorcycle gang members were in Bern for a court date to discuss a similar brawl – that one from 2019 which involved guns, knives and machetes. The 2019 clash was a result of the Bandidos motorcycle club’s attempt to open a clubhouse in the Bern area, which Hells Angels members considered a provocation to fight. There are roughly 200 Hells Angels members and around 50 Bandidos members in Switzerland. The two groups face accusations of attempted homicide, but no one was killed. A verdict is expected by June 30. اقرأ المزيد.

Swiss company tries on the four-day work week

One Swiss gastronomy company in Lucerne, has implemented a four-day work week – a model that Sweden, Iceland and Belgium have tried. Under the model, the 500 Remimag employees will work the same number of hours, but complete them in four days, instead of five. “We had difficulty recruiting staff, same as the entire gastronomy sector. The four-day week makes us more attractive to the younger generation,” said Bastian Eltschinger, the company’s co-director. Studies show that the model reduces employee burnout and improves work-life balance. The U.K. is starting a similar trial in June, with Scotland and Wales slated to follow in 2023. اقرأ المزيد.

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