الحكومة السويسرية تستثمر في السكك الحديدية والشحن: 38 مليون يورو في إيطاليا

الحكومة السويسرية تستثمر في السكك الحديدية والشحن: 38 مليون يورو في إيطاليا

الجمعة، أبريل 5 أبريل 2024

Switzerland champions eco-friendly freight transport with a significant investment in a new rail reloading facility in Domodossola.

كيستون/اليساندرو كريناري

The federal government is investing CHF 38.5 million in a facility in Domodossola, Italy, for reloading truck goods onto rail. In future, this should enable up to 185,000 containers and semi-trailers to be reloaded each year.

The transhipment facility in Domodossola is about to be realised, the Federal Office of Transport (FOT) announced on Friday.

It consists of two tracks, each 700 meters long, for loading containers. A horizontal loading system is also planned, with which the non-craneable semi-trailers widely used in Europe can also be efficiently reloaded.

Efficient transhipment facilities for combined transport are essential for Switzerland’s policy of shifting freight from road to rail, the statement continued.

The facility in Domodossola will strengthen the Lötschberg-Simplon axis for transalpine rail freight traffic.

The federal government can also make investment contributions to such terminals abroad on the basis of the Freight Transportation Act.

The facility is operated by Cargobeamer, a company based in Leipzig, Germany, and cost a total of CHF 67.1 million. If a defined minimum handling volume is not reached, Cargobeamer will refund.


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