Tiger Mosquito Spreads in Valais

Tiger Mosquito Spreads in Valais

الثلاثاء, مايو 21st 2024

Since 2019, the tiger mosquito has expanded its presence in Valais, reaching new areas in 2023. Efforts to combat this invasive species are increasing.

كيستون/ماريشال تريزيني

Tiger mosquito sightings in Valais, first recorded in 2019, increased significantly in 2023. The mosquito was detected in Monthey, Collombey-Muraz, and for the first time, Fully. This year, efforts to control this exotic species will intensify.

The tiger mosquito benefitted from the mild weather conditions in 2023, which facilitated its reproduction, the canton of Valais reported on Tuesday. As a result, the control strategy will be strengthened this year.

In 2024, 50 traps will be deployed across the canton: 35 in Monthey and its vicinity, eight in Brig-Glis, six in Fully, and one at the Martigny highway service station. Residents are encouraged to participate in control efforts by removing water-collecting containers such as watering cans and plant pots, which serve as breeding grounds.

Throughout Switzerland, the tiger mosquito is closely monitored due to its potential health risks. It can transmit diseases such as dengue fever, the Zika virus, and the Chikungunya virus. To date, no infections have been reported in Switzerland.

The tiger mosquito was first discovered in Switzerland in Ticino in 2003. By 2015, it had spread to Basel, Graubünden, Zurich, Vaud, Geneva, and Valais.


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