Turkish Man in Zurich Charged with 10.5M CHF Laundered

Turkish Man in Zurich Charged with 10.5M CHF Laundered

الأربعاء, يناير 17th 2024

Zurich Prosecutors Charge Turkish Man in Major Money Laundering Case Linked to International Crime

A 60-year-old Turkish man laundered around 10.5 million francs and skimmed off a profit of 100,000 francs for himself: the Zurich public prosecutor’s office filed charges against the confessed man with the Zurich District Court, as it announced on Wednesday.

Between October 2020 and his arrest in September 2023, the man regularly accepted cash amounts in the five to six-figure range from various people, according to the statement. He changed these funds into other currencies or transferred them anonymously at the request of the donors in order to conceal the origin of the money.

According to investigations by the public prosecutor’s office, the cash came from international cocaine trafficking, commercial illegal gambling and other crimes.

The public prosecutor’s office charged the man with serious money laundering, offenses against the Federal Act on the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, lack of due diligence in financial transactions and forgery of documents, among other things. The charges were brought in summary proceedings. This means that the defendant confessed and agreed to the sentence.

The public prosecutor’s office does not comment further on the requested sentence. With the indictment, the Zurich district court now has jurisdiction over the proceedings, it explains.


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